With the multiple advances in technology in the late 1980s into the early 1990s, it was decided that in 1992 Imperial Lab 2 would be de-orbited the next year for it's end of life. At this time in the history of the agency, there were not options for modular systems for space stations to swap out old pods and bring up new pods with newer technology to better equip the astronauts for their missions.
After IL2 was de-orbited in 1993, the Empire switched to space shuttle style system for short term research in orbit, with each mission lasting 6 months at a time. After each mission, the shuttle would de-orbit, land at a commercial airport, and then be transported back to the space center for refurbishment, refueling and then to prepare it for it's next mission. On the 4th of November, 1998, the Supreme Emperor ordered the renaming of the Agency to the name it is now, the Shazbotdom Imperial Space Administration.